What is it about Max that resonates with us?
We find that when we read certain books, certain characters resonate with us. I believe each and every one of us has an element of similarity in many characters. We are all very different but at the same time we are the same.
There was something that happened to Max that he didn't actually know about. It molded his way of life, and his character became submissive without him knowing.
Max is eleven years of age. He is a soft natured boy. He has trouble in his homelife and try's hard to do everything right, so he won't get into trouble. He is a vulnerable boy because of the struggles he endured growing up. Even though he has these struggles, he doesn't lose the love and care in his heart. Instead, he finds this helps him in a way that will reveal.
He loves his mum so much and enjoys his times with her as it really helps him feel loved and cared for. She is like a protector for him in some sense. Well, I suppose all mothers and fathers should be protectors of their children.
The Character of Max
This is where Max's experiences can resonate with parts of our own lives. Not that we have had the same struggles, but there are many incidences in life that resonate with Max's soft nature and vulnerability. When we are hurt in any way, we can either guard ourselves by becoming over extroverted or bully/abusive like, to compensate our own insecurity. This insecurity does need to be dealt with so one can have the peace in their life and not hurt others. Bullying in this world is a little out of control but things come to a head in order for change to happen.
Max however channeled his hurt into being very kind, cautious, and careful about what he did. On the negative side it actually made him loose confidence in himself, and his journey was about finding courage to discover the truth about himself.
Because of his homelife, Max became a very detailed focus individual. He notices when his Mum is down and not so happy. She never takes her emotions out on Max and that is why he cares so much and doesn't like seeing her sad. While she is doing her daily duties Max realizes something seems off. He knows he cannot put his finger on the problem, but his caring nature, naturally tries to cheer her up.
All Max wants is for his Mum to be ok, to be happy and he even forgets about his own happiness. But one day something hurtful happened, and this fueled his mission which became a driving force to discover what he never knew.
Max enters into an unknown world where he discovers things he never knew about. He finds truths that were kept from him. Life becomes different and he hurts all over again. Yet his journey opens his mind to the possibilities of what he can now change.
The changes that he needs to make, first requires him to find courage and believing in himself.
Much Love, health and peace always xx